THE BLOGTRAVEL LOG May 30th — We peeked our heads outside our tiny tent. The sun casually rose behind Isla de Lobos, and flamed the landscape with golden tones.
We heated some water, drank coffee, put on our wetsuits and went into the sea.

TRUE STORIES Fireworks in Beirut — August 4, 2020
It was a regular, mundane day. She was on her couch in her living room, working on her computer. The sun's late-afternoon rays pierced through the windows and tinted the room in a light amber mist. She liked this hour of the day.
She thought about what she was going to cook for dinner. Scents of grilled fish and zaatar drifted through the room (...)

PORTRAITS ON THE ROAD A Man Called C — Ecuador
He’s got long salt and pepper hair with sunburnt curls, framing a face with theatrical features.
C. is in his sixties, but his gaze and smile give him eternal youthfulness. With dark brown, golden, chocolate skin, yellowed teeth from chewing rapé, a slender and graceful body, and long, thin fingers, he's (...)
TRAVEL LOG Surfing Mompiche — Ecuador, March 2019
As my eyes wander among the bus passengers, I'm captivated by a mosaic of new faces with unfamiliar features—quirky and outdated haircuts, but beautiful and delicate physiques, almond-shaped eyes with long lashes, dazzling teeth, caramel-coloured skin, like the rich hue of a setting sun, and petite and straight noses. An unexpected, elegant blend of European, Latino, and African influences.
I hop off the bus and land on a muddy street, gloomy and deserted, except for a dozen stray dogs with skeletal bodies. A worn-down motel (...)