Looking for a unique, offbeat experience near Paraty, Brazil? Stay at ReMo Hostel, a tree house in the jungle, and one of the best hostels I've ever stayed in. Perfect for adventurous solo travellers.


DATE: 06 JULY 2023 #travel guide

Imagine waking up to the sound of birds chirping and monkeys playing in the trees, lounging in a hammock overlooking the Brazilian jungle. At ReMo Hostel, you can finally feel like Tarzan. Nuzzled in the heart of the jungle in Paraty-Mirim, this eco-friendly hostel offers an unforgettable tree house experience, complete with stunning views and nearby paradise beaches. And if you're lucky, you might even spot one of the most elusive animals right outside your room: a sloth!


I stayed five days at ReMo Hostel with a friend before heading to Ubatuba to volunteer for a local Brazilian family.

Our room was cosy and calm, and the days were long and slow. It was easy to meet with other travellers as there wasn't any Wi-Fi, so no one was glued to their phones. We made great friends in just a few days and left feeling refreshed, ready for our next adventure.

I’ve travelled to a lot of hostels over the past ten years of solo travelling around the world. But Remo Hostel stands out as one of the best by far! The comfort, beauty and overall richness of the experience make it a must-visit on any backpacking itinerary. Despite being a little more expensive than other hostels, it’s definitely worth the cost.

Disconnect and unwind in a cosy room as birds and monkeys lull you to sleep. Here's all you need to know to prepare for your jungle tree house escape.

Stunning jungle views from Remo Hostel, a tree house in Brazil, Paraty Mirim
Our view from our room: endless greenery and beautiful soft morning light to wake us up gently.

Where’s ReMo Hostel in Brazil?

ReMo Hostel is an eco-friendly tree house located in Paraty-Mirim, Brazil (not to be confused with Paraty, the picturesque colonial city). It's in the middle of the jungle, on a hill overlooking the Serra do Mar mountains.

The Jungle Tree House: Accommodations

The ReMo Hostel tree house offers a unique experience that allows you to bond with the peaceful surroundings. Each space is designed to fit into the natural environment. You’ll be greeted with stunning jungle and ocean views, wherever you are in the house. 

The tree house has no Wi-Fi, encouraging visitors to meet and connect. If you have a creative practice, it's the perfect place to draw, meditate, paint, play music or write.

The owners pay particular attention to beauty, seamlessly blending bohemian decor and elements of nature into the tree house. Everything looks good; the art on the walls, the bowls, the pillows. Remo Hostel is also committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly methods to build their tree house and solar power for lighting needs.

Inside, you walk barefoot. The floor is covered in sustainable materials like bamboo or recycled wood, adding a touch of warmth and earthiness to the space.

The furniture is carefully selected and crafted using natural materials, such as rattan or bamboo, and there are no windows, further enhancing the feeling that although you're inside a house, you’re living outside in the jungle.

The owners have thoughtfully added soft and ambient lighting to the tree house, which creates a relaxing atmosphere at night. The sun shines through the entire space during the day, producing a soothing light display.

The attention to detail in the decoration at ReMo Hostel is exquisite, with every element carefully selected to reflect the beauty and peace of the jungle. The result is an immersive journey that can only do you good.

The breakfast at ReMo Hostel

This was the BEST breakfast I had in my six months of travels in South America. Most of the food was homemade with local ingredients. It was a copious buffet, and it was hard to resist overeating. We had warm bread straight out of the oven, pancakes, tasty jams and different kinds of butter; all you need to start a perfect day.

Activities at ReMo Hostel & Paraty-Mirim

There's plenty of books, yoga mats, hammocks and even a pool table to chill at the hostel. During your stay, you can also participate in various outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming in nearby waterfalls and beaches, and birdwatching. The hostel offers guided tours to explore local fauna and flora. The closest beach is just 20 minutes away. But ultimately, the tree house in the jungle is so lovely you'll want to spend as much time possible there during your stay.

When walking in the jungle, keep your eyes open. Sloths are hard to spot and usually avoid crowds. But one day, as we were walking to the beach, we saw a giant sloth hanging upside down from a tree limb.

We couldn't believe our eyes. It's such a quirky creature. It's almost as if it was smiling (or stoned as hell). We watched in awe as the sloth slowly moved sluggishly along the tree branches, reminding us to take it slow. I hope you'll also get to spot one during your solo trip to South America.

How to get to ReMo Hostel?

You can take a 40-min bus from Paraty, a beautiful colonial city from the seventeenth century. Then, you'll need to walk on an unpaved road until you see the ReMo Hostel sign. The jungle tree house can't be seen from the road, so try to plan your journey to arrive during the day. The hosts are super friendly and will help you out if needed.

If you’re coming from São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro, you’ll have to head first to Angra Dos Reis, then take a direct bus to Paraty-Mirim.

Ready for a unique jungle tree house adventure and feel like a member of the Avatar tribe?

Book your stay at ReMo Hostel ︎︎︎

Prices start at 30$ per night for a shared 2-bed room. Minimum stay is 2 nights, I recommend you stay at least 3 days to fully immerse yourself in the jungle tree house experience.

A jungle full of cute and quirky wildlife

Empty beach near Paraty-Mirim Brazil
Beautiful empty beaches in Paraty-Mirim, minutes from Remo Hostel

ReMo Hostel, tree house in Paraty-Mirim, Brazil
The pool table and many hammocks at Remo Hostel

Comfy jungle tree house terrace at Remo Hostel, Brazil

Want to keep exploring Brazil? Head to Ubatuba, the chill surf capital of the São Paulo
region, or visit my South America backpacking itinerary to discover other offbeat destinations in Brazil.

185 Jours

An immersive travel log for outdoor enthusiasts seeking a sweet digital escape.


©Maylis Moubarak • 2023