Self-Grounding Exercise

Ground yourself in the present moment to relieve stress and anxiety. Try to spend at least 2 minutes on the exercise, and if possible, outside or in nature:

1) Identify 5 things you can see (eyes)

2) Identify 4 things you can touch (hands)

3) Identify 3 things you can hear (ears)

4) Identify 2 things you can smell (nose)

5) Identify 1 thing you like about yourself (mind)

Now see if it made a difference.

This ritual is extremely efficient when you feel stressed - you can practice this exercise before an interview, a big presentation, or an important meeting for example. It helps you connect with your body and your surroundings, so you can clear your mind and focus on what matters.

Focus on your breath. Take your time.

Download and print your cheat sheet here.