Roamers’ Digest is a seasonal collection of short stories and resources to think and wonder. Related but not exclusively to solo travel, surfing, interesting music, adventure, outdoor sports and nature.

Kicking off with the first edition where I explore our relationship with social media, share a 40-min digital surfing escape, and give you handy resources for your next trip.

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Dion Agius & Craig Anderson Surf Film The Smiling Bag

“This film is for the underground rippers”

Epic waves, impeccable style, twin surfing goodness, an artsy soundtrack, and striking visuals and transitions. This film will take you through different vibes─a smooth 40-min escape from our mundane lives. Unless, of course, you’re a free surfer roaming the world’s most beautiful places like Craig Anderson and the boys featured. For the rest of us, we’ll just accept our fate and feed our surfing dreams with Youtube. Either way, it’s a must watch.


On looking beyond the surface

Wake up in the morning. Open your IG. Start scrolling.

Depending on what the algorithm has prepped for you, you might see countless pictures of people having it all: surfing like pros, travelling the world for free, getting their dream jobs, buying designer villas in Bali…the list goes on. Intrusive blunts of content you never asked for that can sometimes knock our joy (and self-confidence) in mere seconds. 

Now you go to Linkedin, and it seems like everyone's screaming at you with their achievements, like a bunch of people pumped on coke, not caring whether you're listening or even interested in what they have to say.

And here you are, laying in your bed, a calm contemplator of this glorious soup of "look at me's."

Feeling like you're not good enough can be easy when constantly exposed to other people's seemingly perfect life. At least that’s how I feel.

But it's all just a façade.

Yes, you probably knew that already. But to what extent?

Someone I know recently lost her younger brother. She was devastated. Yet, a few days later, she posted a story featuring a luxurious hotel in the Maldives. She, with her partner, a glass of champagne in hand, chilling in a jacuzzi at sunset, with world-class waves crashing at their feet. She was promoting this hotel, and anyone who clicked the affiliate link would get 15% off their booking.

At first glance, she seemed wonderfully happy—a peachy life of money, romance and luxury travel, all topped with carefully selected beige tones. But when lifting the digital veil, you find a woman in pain, going through one of the toughest moments in life: grief.

Despite the constant posting, we know very little about the real life of influencers, friends, and people on social media. Each one of us eventually goes through incredible moments of pain. Behind the smile, the luxuries, the LinkedIn post overloaded with emojis, are people who, just like you and me, trying to navigate a life full of unknowns.

So now, whenever I feel triggered by something I see online and catch myself thinking, "Why can't I have this too?" I remember my friend who lost her brother. We have no idea what's going on behind the screen. So let's appreciate the post, like when we cross paths with a beautiful woman on the street, and move on.ッ

4 handy resources that made the cut this spring︎


Polarstepsan app to track and share your travel itinerary on the go, and print your memories into a beautiful travel journal.

Check it out ︎︎︎


My Minda private desktop app to save content online (images, quotes, links, sentences, music, videos...) to “your mind.” The sexier, quieter Pinterest for your digital mindspace.

Check it out ︎︎︎


Les Others Volume 11: DeliriumMy favourite volume so far. From the editorial design to the breathtaking stories of freeskiers, surfers and hikers, it’s a must-have. And it looks smashing on your living room table.

“A multicoloured journey where the mind becomes hazy, emotions derail, and sensations disappear.”

Check it out ︎︎︎


The GRAYL water filter bottleDrink clean water wherever you go. It’s on the expensive side but 100% worth the price. I’ve had it for 4 years and it’s still going strong. 

Tip: if you’re counting on using it daily, change the filter every three months.

Check it out ︎︎︎

Summer’s coming Inspiration Moodboard